Women’s Fellowship


The Women’s fellowship is led by Missionary Delores Jeffreson, Missionary Joan Linyard, and First Lady Sarah Rivers. The purpose of the Women’s fellowship is to glorify God as holy women unto the Lord. When we fellowship with one another, we whelp to nurture our sisters in Christ and to obtain spiritual growth. Through our fellowship, we become more receptive to the needs of others, as we gain strength and encouragement through the testimonies shared.

There are also activities shared in the great auxiliary. We host workshops with speakers to enlighten us with the word of God! This is inclusive of biblical materials, relative to the topics taught. There are off-site retreats, games, gifts, cookouts, luncheons, church services, and nature walks!

Overall, our desire is that God is glorified through our fellowship. We will continue to lift Him up, as we minister to the hearts of our sisters in Christ! At the end of our race, we long to hear Him say, “Well done thy good and faithful servants!”